District Deputy Clinic
District Deputic Clinic Sunday April 3oth Greensboro, NC

Spring Conference
SPRING CONFERENCE May 12-14, 2017 Wilmington, NC Applications Downstairs

From the Secretary
We at the #449 would like to welcome our newest members: Teresa Matty, William Pennell and Daniel Przybelinksi. Winners of our December...

From the House Committee
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope everyone enjoyed the New Year’s Eve party. We are really fortunate to have such a great group of member...

District Deputy Clinic
Join us on Jan 22nd for the local District Deputy Clinic starting at 10am! PDD Meeting at 9:30am!

Elks Hoop Shoot
Join us on January 18th at Hanes Recreation Center at 6pm for this years Elks Hoop Shoot event!